Safos Dance Theatre is a small emerging non-profit dance company founded in Tucson, AZ in 2009.
We collaborate with other Latinx serving and/or AZ-based organizations to offer programs that fulfill our mission.
Supporting a modern dance unique experience to the US-Mexico borderlands
Safos’ mission is to create contemporary artistic forms that reflect the common experiences of our diverse communities.
Supporting a modern dance unique experience to the US-Mexico borderlands
Safos Dance Theatre is creating a mural to reflect the 50+ year history of House of Neighborly Service in the City of South Tucson.
Come paint with us! This project is a 2 year collaboration between the House of Neighborly Service (HNS) and Safos that will take place July 2013-June 2015.
"Youth in the Barrio: Dance in the Community"
Arts Education Residency
This project was made possible by the Tucson Pima Arts Council PLACE IV on behalf of the Open Society Institute.
In July, Safos kicked off the 2013 arts education residency program "Youth in the Barrio: Dance and the Community." The residency was held at the House of Neighborly Service in the City of South Tucson. During the residency, youth ages 8-14 worked with Safos artists to produce a site-specific dance theatre production. Youth engaged in all aspects of producing a show, including workshops in choreography, prop making, music composition, light design, etc. The goal of the project is to expose youth to the performing arts and these artistic career choices while preventing underage drinking. For more information about Safos Arts Education Residency Program please contact us at (520) 481-1656 or
Acting Instructor: Carla Turco Backdrop/ Visual Art Instructor: Mel Dominguez Props & Costumes Instructor : Grace Rhyne
Movement/Dance Instructor: Yvonne Montoya Lighting Design Instructor: Guest Artist Steve Wezelman
Part 1 at HNS
Part 2 at Ochoa Elementary
Will you Help us ?
A “City within a City:
Community Mural Project”
is a two-year collaboration between
the House of Neighborly Service and
Safos Dance Theatre that will take place July 2013-June 2015. This mural will be installed on one of the walls of House of Neighborly Service, South Tucson.